Issue 17.1 (Spring 2021)


The links below will take you to the specified appendix as it appears within its respective essay. They have been divided into syllabi, activity prompts and rubrics, and additional materials for ease of access.


Appendix 1: “The Police in Literature and Culture” Syllabus Reading Schedule

Appendix 1: Whitman’s Multitudes Syllabus

Appendix 3: Romantic through Modern (Women Write the Empire) Syllabus

Activity Prompts and Rubrics

Appendix 2: “The Police in Literature and Culture” Popular Culture Analysis

Appendix 3: “The Police in Literature and Culture” Academic Essay Final Assignment

Figure 1: Self-Directed Participation Goals forum in Weeks One and Two

Figure 2: Self-Directed Participation Assessment instructions for refining goals in Week Six

Figure 3: Self-Directed Participation Assessment practice grading instructions in Week Eleven

Figure 4: Self-Directed Participation Evaluation & Reflection instructions for Week Fifteen

Appendix 1: Writing for Instagram Project 1 Guidelines (Women Write the Empire)

Appendix 2: Ice Breaker Low-Stakes Writing Prompts (Women Write the Empire)

Appendix 1: Assignment Prompt: ‘Forgotten No More’ Essay

Appendix 1: Book Arts Creative Writing Project Prompt

Appendix 2: Book Arts Creative Writing Project Layout Instructions

Appendix 3: Book Arts Creative Writing Project Statement

Appendix 1: COVE Annotations Assignment

Appendix 2: Google Sheets for Chapters and Appendices Selection (COVE Annotations Assignment)

Appendix 3: Appendices Presentation Assignment (COVE Annotations Assignment)

Appendix 4: Timeline & Map Assignment (COVE Annotations Assignment)

Appendix 5: Close Reading Organizer (COVE Annotations Assignment)

Additional Materials

Appendix 1: Additional Resources on Accessibility

Appendix 2: Sample Accessibility Statement from 2021 Spring Course

Appendix 3:Sample Questions for Class Accessibility Survey

Appendix 1: Zoom Tutorial Lesson Plan Template

Appendix 1: Virtual Dinner Party Collaborative Script

Appendix 2: ‘Forgotten No More’ List of Nineteenth-Century Historical Figures

Appendix 4.5: “Self Checkout,” Complete Student Authored Novella