Issue 18.1 (Spring 2022)


Kellie Miller, “Representations of Identity and Agency in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette

Joey S. Kim, “‘One deep heart wrung!’: Felicia Hemans’s Affective Poetics in ‘The Indian City’ and ‘Woman on the Field of Battle’

Tamara L. Hunt, “Finding Their Natural Place as Housewives: Harriet Martineau, Political Economy, and Irish Women

Sarah Rick, “Gathering ‘stray and benighted curs’: Pet-keeping and Masculinity in Lady Audley’s Secret

Reyam Kareem Rammahi, “Can Safie Speak? Language and Representation of the Oriental Woman in Frankenstein


Michelle Medeiros, review of Transatlantic Women Travelers: 1688-1843, edited by Misty Krueger

Solveig C. Robinson, review of Juliet Shield's Scottish Women’s Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century: The Romance of Everyday Life

Jessica Cox, review of Tamara S. Wagner's The Victorian Baby in Print: Infancy, Infant Care, and Nineteenth-Century Popular Culture

Lindsay Middleton, review of Elizabeth Robins Pennell: Critical Essays, edited by Dave Buchanan and Kimberley Morse Jones

Editors-in-Chief: Stacey Floyd and Melissa Purdue
Reviews Editor: Miriam Burstein
Digital Editor: Anne Reus